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Community Work

As members of the WI, we feel it is important to support our community in as many ways as we can.  From charity fundraising, supporting local events to simply providing a helpful pair of hands we are proud to help where we can.

Each year we agree to support a key organisation and have chosen Essex and Herts Air Ambulance Service for 2023/2024.

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Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)

Essex & Herts Air Ambulance, unlike NHS emergency services, is a charity. The free life-saving service is provided 24/7 by helicopters and by rapid response vehicles.

Each critical care team consists of a pilot and co-pilot, a pre-hospital care doctor and a critical care paramedic.

They can be rushed to the scene with life-saving support equipment to deliver advanced clinical care, usually only in the hospital emergency department.

Once stabilised, the patient will be conveyed to the most appropriate hospital by air or land.

2023 - 2024

Welcome Space

We support the wonderful initiative run by St Johns Methodist Church, Baker St.

Many people living on their own are worried about the rising cost of living and heating their homes.   St John's Church  have created a Welcome Space on Tuesdays where people can meet to have a chat, a cup of coffee and stay on for a soup lunch

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Orange Hat Appeal

Some babies need extra monitoring and support after birth. As part of the 'Keeping mothers & babies together' initiative, the Royal Free came up with the idea of providing knitted orange hats for these more vulnerable babies. The orange hat helps the team easily identify which babies need extra care; allowing them to take timely observations, blood sugar tests and extra support to establish feeding so that mothers and babies can stay together.

So far, our wonderful PBGems have knitted over 100 hats!

Click on any of the logos to see more information
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